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Hypnosis Session: Hypnotist:
The Joy of Submission
Dr. Leanna N. Sidhe
Categories:  Submission, Trance Skills, Breath Play
Many subjects arrive at Neverside Labs already endowed with the desire to submit, but unsure of themselves - or at a loss for what exactly to do about it. Thankfully, Dr. Leanna has a treatment in mind that will make everything clear and simple. Today’s session will straighten out your submissive wiring, bringing a clarity to your purpose. You’ll enjoy your submission more, and so will anyone you serve - so let’s get right to it!

This session is an exploration of what it means to submit, exploring a powerful and pleasurable way to interpret your own submission. A reframing that will enable you to become a better submissive than ever before. While it’s addressed specifically to stray submissives - those currently un-owned - subs who have an owner can still enjoy and learn from this session.

Note: This file includes light breath play. If you have heart problems or other contraindications, give this one a pass.

Length: 36 Minutes
Prerequisites: Learn to Sleep for Me
Triggers Utilized: Finger Snaps, Sleep for Me, Stop/Start Breathing
Triggers Installed: Stop/Start Breathing - The subject loses/gains the ability to exhale, for breath play purposes. The trigger releases if the experience becomes uncomfortable, and works exclusively for Dr. Leanna.
Post-Hypnotics: The listener is offered a new way of looking at their submission, but is not forced to accept it.
The listener's basic politeness and kindness are reinforced.
Downloads: (remastered) The Joy of Submission (Good Girls) (Definitive Edition)
The Joy of Submission (For Good Boys) (Definitive Edition)

difference: use of phrases "good girl" and "good boy" respectively

The Joy of Submission (For Good Girls) (Lossless Definitive Edition) $10+ patrons
The Joy of Submission (For Good Boys) (Lossless Definitive Edition) $10+ patrons
Subject Report: "The Joy of Submission has made such a wonderful impact on my life. Suddenly everything is full of a new meaning. As I feel myself returning to Neverside for this new session there's a sense of comfort and warmth. I feel immediately at home in Dr. Leanna's office, and drop so easily for her.

This file really felt amazing the whole way through, I could feel
her guiding me in a more hands on way than ever before, taking control of my very breath, creating a real sense of temporary
co-dependency. Suddenly, it felt better than ever to just let go, and give up all control, to really understand what it means to submit."

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