By entering Neverside Labs, you verify you're at least 18 years of age, and you understand the following information:
- This site is for entertainment purposes only, and is erotic fiction.
- The Dr. Leanna and Dr. Hyland characters are fictional, and not real doctors.
- The audio files within are not intended to treat or diagnose any health condition.
- You must not listen to hypnosis audio while driving, or operating heavy machinery.
- You are responsible for your own actions during and after listening. Trance safely.
I understand, let me enter
about neverside
I’m often asked why I do this - what my motives and intent are. Contrary to the tropes, I don’t want you to be mine, I don’t want to own you. Rather, I feel that hypnosis can bring real benefit to your life, while still being fun. I have a lot of ideas in this vein that I wasn’t seeing anyone else making, so I learned how to do it myself. My goal is to create files that are outwardly recreational, but actually designed to improve your overall wellness. I want to leave my subjects better than I found them.
Being a switch myself, with mostly submissive experience, I make the files that I wish were available to me when I was new. As you work through the files, you’ll build a comfortable confidence in your submission, and a clear sense of purpose and direction. If you’re already there, it’ll be reinforced in a most pleasurable way. I don’t seek to own you because to me, the real challenge and pleasure comes from bettering you through submission. If anything, I hope that my stray subjects go on to make some nice dominant lady very happy.
hand-made tranceBeing a switch myself, with mostly submissive experience, I make the files that I wish were available to me when I was new. As you work through the files, you’ll build a comfortable confidence in your submission, and a clear sense of purpose and direction. If you’re already there, it’ll be reinforced in a most pleasurable way. I don’t seek to own you because to me, the real challenge and pleasure comes from bettering you through submission. If anything, I hope that my stray subjects go on to make some nice dominant lady very happy.
This is a solo effort - I write the scripts, tune and polish the voice, compose the background music, mix and master the tracks, and write the info pages. I designed the website, the graphics, designed and coded the visual aid animations, and wrote all the copy. The sole exception is the wonderful Dr. Leanna portrait, which I commissioned.
My hope is that all this intense, meticulous love poured into the project translates to not just great files, but a great experience. A twenty minute file involves around sixty hours of effort before it’s just right, and reaches your ears. It’s a lot of work, but I think you’ll find it’s worth it.
If you want to tell me about your experience, please feel free to contact me at: Doctor.Leanna at Gmail. I always love hearing about how it went, and it helps me better tune my future work.
My hope is that all this intense, meticulous love poured into the project translates to not just great files, but a great experience. A twenty minute file involves around sixty hours of effort before it’s just right, and reaches your ears. It’s a lot of work, but I think you’ll find it’s worth it.
If you want to tell me about your experience, please feel free to contact me at: Doctor.Leanna at Gmail. I always love hearing about how it went, and it helps me better tune my future work.